We live at a time when there are vast career options for people. You no longer have to limit yourself to a 9-5 to earn a living. For some, the creative industry offers many opportunities for those who are willing to take it.
So, do you want to be a makeup artist? Before we address creating a stellar makeup artist bios, we will show you how to make money from your interest in makeup. Or rather, how to jumpstart your career as a makeup artist.
The Proper Way to Start a Career as a Makeup Artist
1. Develop your skills
For every career you desire, you must develop the skills to perform it. It’s what separates you from daydreamers and the go-getters. Learn everything you can about makeup artistry. Use tutorials, YouTube videos, social media pages of influencers and more.
2. Practice
It goes hand in hand with developing your skills. It’s time to test and improve your skills. Just like you would for the perfect barber look, you’ve got to do the same for your skills.
Try out new ideas on yourself and friends. Including what you learn.
3. Understand your career options
Building your portfolio will help you advance in the industry. Decide on the type of makeup artist that you want to be. The main categories include bridal, print, department store, media production, theatrical, and beauty service makeup artist.
4. Get Professional Experience
Pharmacies and department stores could be your first stop in gaining experience. Moreover, it’s a chance to earn a few bucks as you practice your skills. Find a business that dedicates itself in training its staff in makeup artistry, too.
5. Build your toolkit
It especially applies to those who would like to go freelance. It should include a color palette, brushes, cleaning, and skin care products. Clients should find you prepared.
Therefore, this is a necessary evil, even if you’re on a budget.
Additional Help in Career in the Makeup Industry
6. Keep up with the trends
Don’t slow down your passion in the field just because you earn a steady income. Impress your clients by being in the know and improving your skills. Keep learning about the trends; some client may want the same look that Kim K just posted.
7. Market Yourself
Here’s where a good bio for Facebook, comes in handy. Identify the ideal platforms to market your art, FB/ IG. Upload photos of your work. Use the right hashtags to increase the visibility of your posts.
8. Sign up for a makeup school course
Getting formal education in the field may give you a boost in your career, but it isn’t a necessity. Also, schools vary in terms of packages and pricing. If possible, you can try to get a degree in Cosmetology.
It expands your job prospects.
9. Ask for Referrals
In this digital era, word of mouth can still work wonders. For every satisfied client, you can ask for a referral. It’s okay to want to expand your network.
10. Find a Mentor
Someone with more experience than you in the industry. To guide you and perhaps allow you to tag along, to their gigs. They will show you the ropes of the industry and the optimal ways to get noticed for your work.
To Become a Makeup Artist or Not
As a creative field, you need to be able to fuel your passion from your enthusiasm. It’s what will encourage you to stay up to date with the trends and keep learning. On the techniques that work for different skin tones, ages, and types.