To build muscles at home is a relatively easy task. Doing daily exercise with minimal equipment and even by just lifting bodyweights, you can build muscle and get into the desired shape. It is not that easy to gain muscle mass but with a proper schedule for workout and set-up for the same, choosing right exercises and having a properly maintained diet, your objective to build muscle can be accomplished quite easily.
Just remember before starting any exercise, you should never forget to warm-up your body. You should make sure to make your heart rate pumping as well as heating up your muscles before starting a particular exercise. Give your body a 5-10 minute warm-up by just running around, doing some push-ups, swing your arms and legs etc.
Here are a few home exercises which you should follow to build muscle
1. Push-Up
This is a good way to target your chest and triceps. There are many variations of push-ups. The classic push-up is one of the best exercises that engage your chest, triceps, shoulders, and core (among other muscle groups) in a single movement. There are tons of different variations to satisfy the beginner to the advanced athlete. Some of the best forms of push-ups are One-Arm Push-Up it is one the best bodyweight exercise for the upper body.
- Traditional push-ups: They focus on the chest.
- Wide Handed Push-Up: Focus on the shoulders.
- Close Handed
- Push-Up: Focus on the triceps.
- Spiderman Push-Up: One of the most effective push-ups. It not only targets the chest but also your lateral oblique’s (The side abs) by using core power.
2. Pull-Ups
One of the best exercises to hit the back and the forearms. It is a good exercise for the development of the back. A male body should be able to do pull-ups to look better. As it’s a killer workout. Pull-ups are performed with your palms facing away from you.
3. Chin-Ups
Another classic exercise to hit the back but instead of mostly Brachioradialis Muscle in the forearm it focuses on the Biceps. Chin-ups are performed with your palms facing you. Chin-ups place slightly more stress on the biceps and are easier than pull-ups.
4. Squats
This exercise is one of the best exercises to target your lower body. They work up your hamstrings, quadriceps, calves, abdominal muscles, lower back, and your butt too. They also create an anabolic environment, which promotes body with wide muscle building.
5. Plank
Plank is a great way to work your entire core and they are easily adapted for an extra challenge. You should be able to rest a broom between your neck and butt. Hold this position for one minute, rest and repeat two more times.
6. Eat a Balanced Diet Which Contains High Protein and Low Fat
You need to be pounding protein shakes every day and cutting out the dessert. Following a good diet and a balanced diet helps in maintaining the muscle. Focusing on whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and lean proteins like chicken, fish, eggs, and beans.
These are some exercises which you can do at home to build muscle. Following these exercises will show you regular changes in the body and good results. Just by following a good home workout routine you can’t get the desired results. Following a good diet is also important for great results.
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